4 באפריל 2011

Breaking the Ice participants host Coexistences' members in Israel

In a week full of tours and activities, Francois Feihl and Christian Sinobas of Coexistences Switzerland were hosted by several members of Breaking the Ice 2010 group. The visit started in Jerusalem where we joined early on a cold friday morning to run the 1st international Jerusalem (half) marathon.

Francois, Christian, Olfat & Tomer just a few kilometers before finishing the 21.1 km of climbs, turns and narrow streets of the ancient city. A beautiful course and also a refreshing opportunity to flex one's joints! Thanks to Shiri for taking care of all the formalities, and also for selecting a great restaurant in the busy market in order to return all the lost energy :-)

more photos form the event, by Francois, here.

For the next 2 days, Saturday and Sunday, the "swiss foxes" were guided in Jerusalem (photos) and Acco ("Acre" or "Saint-Jean d'Acre") by the inexhaustible tour guide Golan who also hosted them at his home in Osafiya. Many tales from the bustling markets and from alleys of the old cities were told at a group dinner in a Haifa restaurant with breath-taking view of the bay (photos). this album also includes photos from a nice hike in Nahal Yagur followed by a short tour of Osafiya and dinner at Tomer's house together with Olfat and Shakufi (Ori).

On Tuesday, Malek hosted Francois, Olfat and Tomer for a magnificent dinner (photos) at his family's home in Nazareth. The "shooal" was taken on tour in nazareth on wednesday (photos) and later was greeted at Herzliya by Lobna.

Thursday included an interesting trip to the west bank including Hebron, and then a special dinner at Lobna's family home in Be'er-sheva.

Friday and Saturday were spent again as a group, in our on-going project with more and more young Arabs and Israelis hiking in their country. We were very proud to have Francois as part of us, around the camp fire at night and while hiking in the Ein-Gedi reserve in the day (photos). this was an important chance for me to enable Coexistences' Francois to witness the continuation of Mont-Blanc project. As the mixed group of Arabs and Jews were enjoying the fire, dinner, nargilah and music, I felt happy and content, knowing also that Francois, who gave so much together with the others in-order to build this project, is witnessing the same.

Malek's album from the Ein-Gedi Breaking the Ice trip:

Francois returned to Switzerland yesterday, leaving me with a feeling that our own little continuing project, is ever more important for the Coexistences' legacy, for us as a group, and of course for the never-ending process of bringing people together.

2 במרץ 2011

The journey continues: Breaking the Ice group and friends travel in Judean Desert

Last weekend we hooked up again and headed south to the dead sea area. Our goal was to turn the spirit of Breaking the Ice project from into a tradition of Jews and Arabs hiking in nature, by broadening our circle of participants and bringing in more and more friends from our daily lives. In our vision we see the group spending the night under the stars, cooking a delicious dinner on a camp fire, sharing a nargila and coffee and talking about everything. that's exactly what we did!!

In the morning, after packing lunch, we started hiking into the Tse'elim canyon (click for map) as the day warmed up. we were all surprised to see this eternally dry canyon actually flowing with crystal clear water, some remaining from the last flood and some coming from Ein Namer (spring). by noon we reached the beautiful spring and jumped in for a cold and refreshing treat. after lunch and black coffee we headed back downstream and stopped yet once more for another chilling dip in another natural pool (click below for photos).

Photos by Tomer:

Photos by Malek:

We will try our best to keep this tradition and spread it ever more widely among our friends and their friends and so on....

see you on our next adventure!!

21 בינואר 2011

שוברים את הקרח - ונוטעים עצים בחורשת השכנות | Breaking the Ice - and Planting the trees

חברי "שוברים את הקרח" ופורום חיפה והצפון לשיתוף פעולה בין דתי, יחד עם למעלה מ-100 בני נוער ומבוגרים מוסלמים, נוצרים, יהודים בהאיים ודרוזים קיימו טקס מרשים ומרגש בו נישאה תפילה משותפת לכל הדתות ואחריה ניטעו עצי זית ב"חורשת השכנות" למרגלות הכרמל והעיר חיפה. פעילות זו, בשיתוף עם עיריית חיפה ובית הגפן, באה להראות כי למרות גילויי הגזענות הרבים בחברה הישראלית, ניתן וחשוב לחזק את הקשרים בין בני כל הדתות בארץ.

"Breaking the Ice" members and the "Forum for Inter-Religious cooperation" along with more than 100 teen-agers of all religions in Israel took part in a special prayer followed by planting of young Olive trees in the "neighborship grove" at the foot of Mt. Carmel and the city of Haifa. This joint activity with the City of Haifa and "Beit Hagefen" shows that despite recent racist proclamations from all sides of Israeli society, it is possible and necessary to improve the relations between all religous and ethnic groups in Israel.

Photos - תמונות

Breaking the Ice and planting the trees - חורשת השכנות

In the News - כתבות
NRG - מעריב
Haifa Radio - רדיו חיפה
Panet - بانيت